Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Should Bird's wings be clipped vis-a-vis airport?

Here are links to the letters on the subject in today's T&G. You may also wish to vote in the three polls on the subject which I've created today. (Curiously, the author of this first letter owns and operates the "Base Operator" concession at the airport, right across from Bird's hangar concession. Que-the-hell-pasa here?) "Mike McKinnon: You have true friends in St. Marys, Mike, and this friendship and loyalty has been proven by concrete action on the part of St. Marys citizens. And I take a great deal of offense from your statement. Charles Langshaw St. Marys " Question: Who is Mike McKinnon? Who is Charles Langshaw? What did Mr. McKinnon say that so offended Mr. Langshaw? Does Mr. Langshaw own a plane at the airport? What "concrete action" have the citizens taken? Lengthened the runway? What? Thursday, 4/24: I asked, you answered. Thanks! Anonymous said... Jay, Jeff Stanford is a proponent of the move and has been since day one. Mike McKinnon is a former commanding officer of Kings Bay and now heads the Camden Partnership, a local lobbying group. Mike is also a proponent of the move and has a long-term vision of how the airport can grow in size/business as well as attract new business to the County. New airport will realize long term growth. The "old" airport land would be sold off as an industrial park (possibly) and returned to the tax base bringing in additional tax revenue to the city. A win-win for all. As for the criticism of Sea Island, it is unwarranted. They are willing to donate the land at no cost to the city (immediate savings dont have to buy the land). They get a tax write-off. The FAA will require the city to reinvest/recapitalize the proceeds from the sale of the "old" airport, which is reasonable (people do this when they sell and buy houses). Saint Marys wouldn't go it alone; Kingsland, Woodbine and the county all signed on to move prior to the Feb 2007 no vote staged by Gary Blount. I also have heard that Brantley and Charlton County are interested in joining a regional airport. Costs are spread out more and more people benefit. Roger Rillo's letter and statement at the authority Monday night are contradictory. At the meeting he said the airport would be important to Land Resources and LandMar in attracting home buyers to Saint Marys. The same line he is accusing Sea Island of doing. What's the difference. Langshaw? Curmudgeon. Cinéma Vérité

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jeff Stanford is a proponent of the move and has been since day one. Mike McKinnon is a former commanding officer of Kings Bay and now heads the Camden Partnership, a local lobbying group. Mike is also a proponent of the move and has a long-term vision of how the airport can grow in size/business as well as attract new business to the County. New airport will realize long term growth. The "old" airport land would be sold off as an industrial park (possibly) and returned to the tax base bringing in additional tax revenue to the city. A win-win for all.
As for the criticism of Sea Island it is unwarranted. They are willing to donate the land at no cost to the city (immediate savings dont have to buy the land). They get a tax right-off. The FAA will require the city to reinvest/recapitalize the proceeds from the sale of the "old" airport, which is reasonable (people do this when they sell and buy houses). Saint Marys wouldn't go it alone; Kingsland, Woodbine and the county all signed on to move prior to the Feb 2007 no vote staged by Gary Blount. I also have heard that Brantley and Charlton County are interested in joining a regional airport. Costs are spread out more and more people benefit.
Roger Rillo's letter and statement at the authority Monday night are contradictory. At the meeting he said the airport would be important to Land Resources and LandMar in attracting home buyers to Saint Marys. The same line he is accusing Sea Island of doing. What's the differnce.
Langshaw? Curmudgeon.

Cinéma Vérité