Saturday, April 26, 2008

Smith not only shows up, but shows his no-class ass at Crawfish Festival!

This just in from an eye-witness. Smith was in the festival parade, riding in the back of that Gawd-awful, trashy looking, hand-painted green on white pick-up truck they leave parked all over the county. Riding in the back with Big Thug Willie were none other than Brian "Livid Lemur" Fewox and Camden Landlord of the Year, Officer L.J. Williams! I guess Walker was busy. But get this. Mark Woods will love this. No Class Willie was handing out CD's of a song cut by a local, self-styled musician - and brother-in-law of ol' eat-up-with-the-love-of-Jesus Mary Ann Semans - by the name of Leon Thrift. Seems the song praises Big Thug Willie, trashes all who oppose the lying, cheating scum, and specifically trashes Commissioner Steve Berry by name. But then, what kind of campaign can you expect from trash? Will somebody please get a copy of that to Rick Rogers so he can put it on his blog (I don't have a clue how to). Then get a copy to Gordon Jackson and Jill Helton. Oh, what the hell, get a copy to the News Walrus - not that he would play it. P.S., No Class Willie was heard hollering out to puppet pal David Rainer telling him that he was saving one of the Cd's especially for him.


Anonymous said...

The sheriff put out this past week that he was bringing Wesley Walker back to work. The sheriff is telling everyone that Wesley has done no wrong. This is a wicked and corrupt county and I am going to look for a job out of this county beginning Monday. It is hard to believe that we have to live with this type corruption and pay taxes to a county that has NO control over their sheriff. And people want to vote Berry out? They had better think about that again. If Bill puts one more on the commission then he has total control of this county. What are the people thinking? And by the way, I am not a transplant. I have live here 58 years. God help us.

Anonymous said...

BTW has been telling this past week that he is bringing Walker back to work this next week. He said Walker has done nothing wrong. This is a corrupt county and sheriff!!! Thank God for all Berry has done. And some people want Berry gone???? Could you imagine just one more of BTW's Puppets on the commission??

Anonymous said...

I heard the cd and I seriously think Steve Berry could have a genuine case for slander. In my opinion it crossed a line. Time will tell. Also heard indictments are on the way.

Jay Moreno said...

Please don't leave: stay and help us get rid of the corrupt, megalomaniacal, sociopathic, S.O.B.

We desperately need decent "old timers" like you to help convert any of your long-time, decent-but-duped acquaintances who have not yet seen the light on Smith's true nature.

Anonymous said...

Been here 47 myself and I don't intend to vote for his criminal ass again. I truely hope he, Walker,Cisco, Bundy, Mastrionni and any more of his corrupt little thugs all end up in the Federal Pen.

Anonymous said...

Wish I could have been on that parade route with a case of rotton eggs, I'd seen BTW with egg on his face

Anonymous said...

What an arrogrant a$$. First the stinking mess with Walker and now the fool has a CD. Of course Walker did no wrong. He was taking care of Smith's partner in crime Cisco. That was right in the eyes of Smith. Smith is dead in the water. He has now removed all doubt that he is a nut case. There is no question that he will be facing a massive federal indictment. No one with half a brain would vote for this incompetent fool. He has fools for advisors. The likes of L.J. Williams and Fewox is just an example of how desperate he is. A truck load of turnips. There will be some singing alright. I suspect jail house blues for Smith and the rats that stick with his rotten ship.

Anonymous said...

Just as I stated the other day about Walker. He is back to work just as BTW said he was going to be. A few officers were bitching to Bill about him so Bill sent him to hang out at the substation. That's right to "hide out at the substation". As in out of sight, out of mind. I do hope somebody that can, will pull Walker's certification. Then maybe BTW can send him home. But he probably wouldn' then either.

Jay Moreno said...

You may recall that in an earlier post, I posted the actual language from P.O.S.T. reguarding decertification.

One stipulation was that anyone who suspends an officer for 30 days or more MUST report him to the P.O.S.T. decertification board.

If someone will check the days since Sleazy Talker was suspeneded , they will no doubt find that Smith brought him back just under the thirty day trigger, EXACTLY as I predicted.