Monday, September 28, 2009

City of St. Marys meetings for Monday, September 28, 2009.

Upcoming Meetings/Events Public Notices Monday, September 28th Property Committee Meeting (4pm; City Hall Council Chambers) Consent Agenda Meeting (5:45pm; City Hall Council Chambers) City Council Meeting (6pm; City Hall Council Chambers) Property committee agenda: City council meeting agenda: I would encourage all who can to make tonight's council meeting. A quick review of the agenda (click on link above) shows some items that should have considerable public interest. It will be quite interesting to watch those up for re-election tip-toe through this minefield. Update @3:38, 9/28. This just in from the conspiracy theorizing, anti-progress, pro-airport status quo crazies. Watching Reply » Report Abuse Judge it! #315 38 min ago And apparently the letter that Shanahan sent to the FAA (the one that was full of "errors" 'cause it listed a huge number of non-existent airspace violations) was in fact written by the very company that did the initial feasibility studies - a company and may stand to make a tidy profit in the building of a new airport. Tonight's council meeting should be interesting - I'm told that Hase will be confronted with a demand that she provide the documents where the Pentagon/FAA said to move the airport etc. She must be some mad at her friend Jay right now. No, she isn't and why she would be is, I'm sure, as much of a mystery to her as it is to me.


cassandra said...

I attended and took home one thought: oust all encumbents.

Jay Moreno said...

I was struck by the very strong possibility that if many more yacht clubbers get up and assail cxouncil the way the two did last night,they may very well snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.
My understanding is that there is definitely the will of the whole council to accommodate them at the park when funds are available.

Anonymous said...

It now is named the "St. Marys Yapping Club." They have just revealed the very reason they have not been able to convince any one that there is a worth while merit to them using tax payed for facilties. Not good. We seemed to have been okay with out the club and may be that is just the way it should remain.