Tuesday, September 22, 2009

That sounds about right ...and strangely familiar too.

Pittsoff Houston, TX Reply » Report Abuse Judge it! #5 46 min ago I have to agree. There have been way too many "fights & arguments" that are unwarranted because someone may be intruded upon. I ahve lived here for 23 years. I have seen Saint Marys grow and would like to see it continue to grow. Those that do not want it to grow are only kidding themselves. Look at downtown Saint Marys. Where is the action? Where is the hustle and bustle? Where is the businesses? The problem is that no on ewanted another hotel down there because it would compete with the Riverview. No one wanted another restaurant down tere because it would compete with Trolleys, Seagles etc. No one wanted any other business down there that might "compete" with some elses. Well using a simple thought process, no one is going to travel all the way down town for 1 restaurant. No one is going to travel all the way down there for one shop. The more that is offered down there the more people will come. Something needs to be down with the area from the old Mill property to down by City Hall. It is filled with eyesores and hodge podge looking buildings. Areas need to be redone or torn down and redone. My 2 cents

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