Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Exposing yet another liar among the pro status quoers.

Hacking around Reply » Report Abuse Judge it! #27 17 hrs ago Judged: wow deb hase needs to know that "social sites" like facebook are pretty much open to anyone. She was talking about the on-going PBS national parks program the part about john muir. deborah's comment: "Yes, it was sad at the end, though, when Muir was alone in the big house defeated in his cause for saving the valley in Yosemite, and dying not long after...on Christmas Eve. Although he lost that battle, he didn't live to see how his efforts raised awareness about the need to protect the land." uh yeah. right then. lets just move the airport, fill in those wetlands and kill the satila river. way to "raise awareness" deb! way to "protect the land". deb needs to get that each FB friend has hundreds of friends and this stuff gets passed around and then goes viral. i got it after 57 connects from FB. Apparently, someone brought this crap to Councilwoman Hase' attention. She just e-mailed me to set the record straight. She has never even accessed "Face Book," much less posted on it. She also goes on to point out that the other two alternative sites for the new airport would all involve eminent domain, thereby displacing actual human beings , not just "bugs." Moreover, the other two sites would have to be purchased for millions by the tax payers whereas the proposed site would be a gift from Sea Island Co. CORRECTION: I just received a correcting e-mail from Councilwoman Hase pointing out that I read something into her last e-mail that she did not actually say. On checking, she is correct. The fact is that she does have a FaceBook account which she hasn't posted to in ages and has NEVER posted anything to it about Ken Burn's PBS special on the national parks.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What is wrong with Ken Burns?? Just wondering. I have missed his National Parks show this week, but will make sure I catch it in reruns.