Saturday, July 25, 2009

Armadillo invasion: any suggestions?

Well, yesterday, a neighborhood kid did a bang-up job on my lawn. It looked so good that last night, a damned armdillo couldn't resist digging it up looking for grub worms or mole crickets, I suppose. I don't think I have either, which probably explains why he gave it up after about a dozen test holes. Is there any kind of a product that will discourage them?


Anonymous said...

.22 rifle with short rounds. Work's great.

Jay Moreno said...

Shame on you, you beast! Can you imagine the shock to Alex' delicate green psyche from the horrible image of wanton carnage your suggestion invokes!?

Anonymous said...

Yeah, but the damned armadillo would be gone!

Jay Moreno said...

Well, he did not return last night so I reckon my guess that I did not have any grubs or mole crickets was correct. That Ortho-MAX broad spectrum lawn insecticde I applied (more correctly, my housekeeper applied) about 6 weeks ago must have worked. Come to think of it, I've had no more visits from the neighborhood mole lately either.

Anonymous said...

I say kill em all and let God sort em out. Semper Fi

Rebel Dawg