Saturday, July 25, 2009

Will Rogero Rillo run?

Word on the street is that Rogero (or Rogillio, I forget)"Roger" Rillo (pronounced REE YO) has gotten the nod this time around to run as the approved candidate to look out for the narrow financial interests of the St. Marys downtown crowd, per se, and the DMA in particular. From some subtle signs I picked up on down at the TAD meeting Monday night, I suspect that that is actually the case. Does anyone have any more credible intelligence on this one? Any idea what post (incumbent) he is most likely to run for / against ?


Anonymous said...

I have been told he is running for Larry Johnson's seat. I have also been told the Kiwanis President Jolene Haney is running. She should do well.

Jay Moreno said...

That makes sense - his running for Johnson's seat. I've long known that the St. Marys Kiwanis Club is actually the tax-exempt PAC for the downtown crowd. Tell us more about Jolene Haney. Other than the obvious fact that she will have the backing of the Kiwanis Club, what are her qualifications?

Anonymous said...

I have been in Kiwanis for almost 20 years and we are nothing like a political action committee. We are a service organization and give hundreds of hours of community service each year. Jolene is an incredible leader and is an asset to anything she is involved in. She listens to all involved and makes informed decisions. She has no affiliations to special interest groups. If she runs she will have the support of me and my wife.

Anonymous said...

NONE..... Just a good puppet

Anonymous said...


Jay Moreno said...

Anonymous said...

Thats a start. I would like to see at least four out of six on council not beholding to and fearful of the Downtown Merchants' Association, et al. Districts would of course solve that problem.

Jay Moreno said...

Anonymous said...
I have been in Kiwanis for almost 20 years and we are nothing like a political action committee.

Well, Sir, come August 3rd, I will have lived here for 16 years. I've kept an eye on St. Marys politics and the Kiwanians involvement therein since shortly after my arrival.

So, let me ask you this: did you miss the meeting where the membership voted unanimously to write me a letter telling me that I had the distinction of being the only applicant for membership in the history of the organization to be unanimously black balled for membership? I'll assume you did, so let me refresh your memory as to why.

Virtually all of the sitting members of city council were members of the St. Marys Kiwanis Club at the time. I had requested a state investigation of their corruption as well as some going on at the police department.

As a result, it was determined that the violations I had alledged had indeed occurred. As a result, your member and then Councilman Kyle Lewis could no longer sell hardware at inflated prices to the city without benefit of the legally required bid process. Jerry Brandon, not a member but certainly a friend of the organization, could no longer continue to "win" the supposedly sealed bids for feeding the folks at the senior citizens center in spite of not submitting the lowest bid. The late Chief Ed Wassman, a member, could no longer sell his old personal computer to his own police department for way more than what it was worth. Lt. Frank Thornall could no longer do over a hundred thousand dollars a year in unlawful radio sales and repair business with his own department without the benefit of competitive bids.

Then, let's not forget the day in 1995, when I was running agaisnt Kyle Lewis, and I stumbled across your organization's unlawful (as a tax exempt 501 C-3)financial support of his campaign.
When I walked up to the front desk in city hall one weekday, I observed a city employee, on the clock, stuffing envelopes with campaign literature for sitting Councilman Lewis (a violation fof state law in and of itself).When I noticed and wrote down the number of the bulk mail permit stamped on all of the envelopes, I found out who it belonged to by way of a FOI to the postmaster. Wonder of wonders, it was issued to none other than the St. Marys Kiwanis Club.

So you see, Sir, you are either a bold faced liar, suffering from Alzheimers, or are the most totally oblivious Kiwanian who ever lived.

Anonymous said...

Big typo....I have been a member for 2 years. I can't speak for 1995, but I can assure you nothing like that goes on with the current board of kiwanis. Please remember the city was a different place 15 years ago. The members of Kiwanis are visible in the schools. You will see that when you begin teaching. All of our efforts are put forth for the good of the community.

The main thing is we need to get people in office who we can trust to make good decisions for our future progress. People with good leadership abilities and the willingness to look at issues and make common sense decisions.

Jay Moreno said...

okay, that would explain what you have no clue as to the historic true nature of the club. started to tell you to ask someone who has been around 20 years how many hundreds of thousands of tax dollars your club has made off with over the years by plcing thier memnmbers on city council, but they will never divulge that until they know that they can trust you. I'm guessing the ttoal is fast approaching 1 million dollars - and possibly more.

I wholeheartedly agree with your last paragraph, but you are terribly naive if you think that is the primary motive of the St. marys Kiwanis Club when they run one of their own to insure their continued near carte-blanche asccess to the public trough.

Jay Moreno said...

Correction: Okay, that would explain why you have no clue as to the historic true nature of the club.

Anonymous said...

It would be refreshing to know that Mr. Moreno would at least get his facts straight before making derogatory comments such as the one about Jerry Brandon and the senior center meals. At one point no one even submitted a bid for the meals because it wasn't cost effective for a restaurant to do. The late Martha Brandon asked her son and daughter-in-law to please do it so the program would not perish. Despite the fact that Seagle's Restaurant was no longer even serving lunch at the time, Mrs. Jerry Brandon got up each morning and personally prepared the senior meals on her own time, by herself. So why all the negativity from Mr. Moreno? If there had been an Aunt B's at that time, I'm sure Jerry and his wife would have preferred they have it. What was the harm in granting his Mother's request so as not to lose the program? Why throw off on people, Mr. Moreno, for no good reason except to stir controversy? It only makes your blog look deceptive.

Jay Moreno said...

Very nicely played, but it it no way refutes the veracity of what i wrote, as well known by all who were here and paying attention at the time. Yes, when it became entorely obvious to all previous biders that the bidding was rigged, there came a time when no one continued to bid - duh? But BEFORE that time came, there was at least one time that I remember quite well when a lower bid came in, but the contract was given to Jerry Brandon ANYWAY. That was after the whistle blower who was informeing me had made me aware of the practice. I'm not sure how many years before that that the Brandon / Mahaney team steered the contract to Brandon in spite of his not having the lowest bid. If you deny that, you are either genuinely ignorant of the facts, or lying. I was not sued at the time and I will not be sued now because the truth is an absolute defense against both libel and slander.

Anonymous said...

If you are so sure about your facts then I'm sure you are as certain about all the facts. Without doing your homework for you, I would assume you are aware that all low bidders to government jobs are not judged on price alone. You have to factor in the quality of services provided. I can assure you that the "powers that be" at the time did not make the decision based on politics for the senior meals. Just maybe your secret informant left out some important details in that bidding selection that were important in the decision making processes at the time. Trust me on this, the seniors have a loud say in what sort of meals they prefer. If a provider gave them poor quality food, too small portions, and lack of variety, you better believe they made their feelings known at the time. If my memory serves me correct, this may have very well been the case. Look it up. This was a long time ago, why the cloak of secrecy? It is public information, after all. You provide a good venue Mr. Moreno to express issues that affect the quality of life we have in Camden County. Why risk your credibility by making statements such as you did about Mr. & Mrs. Brandon and then throw in such words as libel and slander, and that the blogger is a liar if they don't agree with your take on it. Just maybe there really was more to it than you are aware and you've made a mountain out of a mole hill over it. There are so many other issues that are current that deserve your attention. I'd hate to think you're the kind of person that is "never" wrong about anything! If so, everyone that is participating on your blog is merely wasting their time, including me.

Jay Moreno said...

Yes, GB, my memory is quite good. I was as aware of allof the facts at the time as I am now. It was common knowledge that when it was no longer safe to paly fast and loose with the bid process and the press was on the alert, when an outfit out of Florida underbid the mayor, the lates Mrs. Brandon simply got the rest of the ladies at the senior center to join her in complaining that they did not want food cooked and inported from that far away. That was the stated reason for invoking the provision that allows the latitiude to reject the lowest bid. Hows that for memory? As to your reading my blog, well sweeetie, don't let the cyber door hit you in your bitten ass.

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr. Moreno, you are full of assumptions, even to go so far as making an assumption of a deceased woman's intent, who obviously can not refute your comments. You are my "Pinhead" of the day!