Sunday, July 26, 2009

Meanwhile, Kingsland quietly moves ahead.

Have y'all noticed that absent any group of downtowner experts, activists, and obstructionists, Kingsland just keeps plugging along, doing one sensible thing after another?


Anonymous said...

2.3 million to bill gross and the facility will have 70% unoccupied. so that it won't be a ghost town they will let some police officers have office. very smart money conscience government

Jay Moreno said...

Yes, but when the economy recovers, as it would have with Obamanomics, Kingsland will have all of the municipal government space it needs. St Marys does not NOW. However, we could export water and import sewage. Ask anyone who gets a St. marys water/sewer bill.

Jay Moreno said...

RE: "2.3 million to Bill Gross..," would you have preferred to see it go to a contractor from-out-of state?

Anonymous said...

REPLY RE: 2.3 million to Bill Gross

No I would've preferred the money be used on something that had a greater return on investment.

Jay Moreno said...

While it is entirely appropriate and desireable to run a government like a business to the maximum extent possible, government is not a for-profit business and there is not always - in fact there rarely is - a ROI.

Anonymous said...

Jay I think the poster means ROI meaning more community centers and activities for children, parks, etc.

I would love to have one of those mega centers ex-Gov. Palin built for the community.

Scratch that if I misunderstood your meaning.