Thursday, July 23, 2009

Translation: Kingfish is pissed because the Watchdogs wisely froze Kingfish out from the beginning.

sandy feller Saint Marys, GA Reply » Report Abuse Judge it! #8 18 hrs ago In reality wrote: The Camden Watchdog is a chihuahua. Running around yapping and snapping at peoples heels, but not a real threat to anyone or anything. Remember one of the ring leaders of the tea party was Bert Guy. It's a great trick those lawyers pull. They get everyone worked up so they can get a fee for filing lawsuits. He's learned from the best, slippery Stein. (Feller's response) i believe that u will find that bert guy is a resident of the area that was assessed with those big numbers. he is an official of the georgia republican party. jim stein is also an activist of the republican party and bert guy's law partner. the camden watchdog comm. is new. new civic groups make mistakes. time will tell if they are a taxpayer group or just one with a self serving agenda.

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