Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Georgia "tax holiday" begins at 1 minute after midnight tonight.


Anonymous said...

I'd rather have real and substantial tax relief. This makes everyone sending little junior back to school get a case of the warm fuzzies, but doesn't help anyone without kids.

Jay Moreno said...

Do you wear clothes?

Anonymous said...

Yes, I wear clothes. However, I would rather have year 'round tax relief rather than a small seasonal window in which to buy things more geared to returning to school.

Jay Moreno said...

Well, make the best of this limited window of sales tax relief.

Anonymous said...

If you can't grasp the concept I am trying to put across, you certainly don't need to be grapling with more complex issues as a commissioner.

Jay Moreno said...

And there you have it, folks: another suspected case of Jay Derangment Syndrome (JDS) confirmed out of the hapless victim's own mouth.