Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Guru "Greenery" speaks: Can't we all just get along? Update @1721 HRS. Beagle Kingsland, GA Reply » Report Abuse Judge it! #438 48 min ago Just out of curiosity, does anyone know why Moreno's gunning for Kearns? Doesn't he have anything better to talk about than her? It's not like she's a politician or anything. I don't get it. Well, Beagle, you must have some serious olfactory nerve damage if you can't sniff out that the notorious green, eco-weenie warriorette, "Greenery", and Alex Kearns are one and the same. Not a politician? Technically, no - not yet. Political motivations of a radical, anti-human, anti capitalist, ro-socialist "green" nature - you bet! Just stay tuned for a few years then tell me what you think of my "far-fetched" take on this Canadian, ex-pat, leftie.


Anonymous said...

I agree with this person. When will it all end? This airport mess is destroying our community.

Jay Moreno said...

Oh, come on now: "..destroying our community?" Isn't that a tad hyperbolic. I haven't even seen any fistfights, much less bombed out buildings and bullet riddled bodies. What I see is a healthy debate over the best use of a severely underutilized city owned asset that generates no tax revenues whatsoever and less rental income than the cost of maintaining the property all for the benefit of a few weekend hobby fliers who could be just as well accommodate - though certainly not as cheaply - elsewhere.

Alex "Greenery" Kerns' main concern is from the radical green eco-wenie perspective regarding the ostensibly irreplaceable wetlands at the proposed new airport site. "This "Oh, the humanity" bit is a smokescreen.

For the record, I'm in favor a selling the airport to the highest bidder, keeping the money, and seeing the property developed to its highest and best use and generating property taxes. I'm not in favor of building a new airport with tax dollars from any source. However, if the hobbyists and/or Sea Island want to build one with private funds, more power to them.

Anonymous said...

Two problems with that. One, you can not keep the money. If memory serves me right, any money from the sale of the existing airport must go to build a new one per the Fed's. Secondly, dont hold your breath waiting on the property to be developed. It will be just another "dust bowl" like the old Gilman property.

Anonymous said...

Anti Human?? Come on Jay, have you fallen off your rocker. Everyone has a point a view, and it may not agree with yours, but anti human? You are not helping your campaign, or job with the school system. I know this post won't see the light of day on your blog, but at least you will read it.

Jay Moreno said...

I don't own a rocker, but if i did, I would still be on it. Trust me - one of the quasi-religious tenets of the more redical green eco-weenies is that all of the other creatures of the Earth would be way better off if man were exterminated or, in the alternative, reduced to weaponless, tool-less, proto-hominid hunting and gathering in the buff.

Alex Kearns said...

Let's try this again, shall we (in that you didn't publish it the first time)

"Political motivations of a radical, anti-human, anti capitalist, ro-socialist "green" nature - you bet! Just stay tuned for a few years then tell me what you think of my "far-fetched" take on this Canadian, ex-pat, leftie."

C'mon, Jay, even YOU can't be this paranoid! "Radical" in what sense? Are recycling and picking up the trash of others considered "radical" in these parts? "Anti-human? Hmm...just some humans. "Anti-capitalist"? Right - that's why I own my own company. "ro-socialist"? What makes you leap to that conclusion - my membership to the Conservative Party? Now the "notorious" label is interesting for I suspect that that exists only in your own poor mind but okay, if that pleases you. "Canadian"? Yep - and soon to be an American citizen as well (though I'm sure that that appals you).

You know nothing about me, haven't spoken with me, haven't sought information about me and have only leapt about from assumption to assumption like some sort of manic Baryshnikov. You write fairly well and some of your observations have merit so why would you devote blog space to this odd obsession that you seem to have with me?

Jay Moreno said...

I beleive ( though I'm not certain my recollection is correct) that the deal was that IF you were goiing to build a new airport, ALL of the proceeds of the sale of the old one had to go back to the FAA to offset the cost of the new one.
However, if you simply sold the airport and DID NOT build a new one, it was to be a different story. I believe the city was to be able to keep all of the proceeds minus the return of all federal monies spent ont he airport since the city bought if from the feds for $1.00 after WWII.
Those funds would only be a relatively small portion fo the $10,000,000. asking price.

As to development, the airport property has no pollution problems save maybe a couple of highly localized fuel leaks/spills. You could begin building on it almost immediately after the sale. The market may not be right just now, but when it comes back, it would be a damned sight easier and more profitable to build on the airport site than the mill site.

Jay Moreno said...

That's because I was publishing and answering this morning's comments seriatim. I was saving yours for dessert.

Now, isn't it liberating to come out from behind that silly green eco-weenie nom de guerre, "Greenery," and publish under your own name?

Congratulations on your upcoming citizenship. That neither "appals" nor appalls me. By the way, as time passes, I hope that you will find time to go beyond your required study of the U.S. Constitution and laws and look into Georgia State laws. I would invite your particular attention to Georgia's anti-gratuity statute with respect to your gazebo dedicated to your late parents and situated on city property. When you ask yourself, "Well, why did the mayor and council not know that law," rest assured they probably did. There is a long tradition of ignoring state laws in St. Marys city government. By the way, when your organization, St. Marys Earth Keepers, sells those engraved bricks to be placed on public land, where do the proceeds go?

"Manic Bariyshnikov." Very good. Thanks for appropriately choosing a decidedly hetero ballet legend rather than, say, Nijinski, and not sweating my being confined to a wheelchair.

As to "anti-human," see my clarifying remarks in my resposne just prior to this one.

Okay, so I missed the "p" in pro-socialist. That one is self-evident and self explanatory.

With regards to publicly sponsoreed recycling programs nationwide, do they, on average, earn money, break even, or lose money? How about the one in St. Marys that you and B. Ryan rammed down the throats of the gutless local pols? How much is it costing us net? By the way, speaking of recycling, it was largely because of recycling efforts - paper in particular - that nearly 1,000 people lost their jobs when the mill closed. Thanks.

"The Conservative Party?" Never heard of it. Tell us more.

Feel free to pug your business here. I'm sure my readers are equally curious to know what sort of "green" business you run.

As to my supposed obsession with you, for all I knew, you were Alexander rather than Alexandra or Alexis until I saw your picture next to Delta Dawn in the gazebo.

In your original version of your last comment - the one I was minutes away from posting when you had a minor hissy fit - you suggested that I would perhaps benefit from meeting you. I rather doubt that, but if you should run into me somewhere or other, do feel free to introduce yourself. I believe that most lefties are not only not intrinsicly evil, but truly mean well. They are just misgudied and easily misled.

To understand your true nature, read Thomas Sowell's book, "The Vision of the Annointed."

Alex Kearns said...

""The Conservative Party?" Never heard of it. Tell us more.

Feel free to pug your business here. I'm sure my readers are equally curious to know what sort of "green" business you run."

Expand your horizons, Jay, and try reading something other than that which will bolster your own xenophobic obsessions. The Conservative Party of Canada (analogous to the Republican party here).

My company does advertising/marketing for small, independent businesses (as well as large established ones) throughout Canada and the U.S.A. Nothing "green" about it. I am also the head writer for Great Southern Publishers, Inc. (a Georgia-based company that promotes tourism, economic development and growth). So much for my "anti-capitalism". Along with this I serve as PhD thesis advisor for four departments within the University of Toronto (FYI: Toronto is a city in Canada). Sorry to disappoint you.

Jay Moreno said...

Gee, you've been busy. A month or so ago when you gratuitously shared your CV, you held two masters degrees. Congratulations on that recent doctorate.

Why in the hell would I care about your party affiliation in Canada? I'm concerned about what adverse effects you and your obstructionist, green eco-weenie ilk have had, are having, and no doubt aspire to continue to have on the U.S. economy.

Yes, I've been to Toronto, nearby Mississaugua, Ottowa, Quebec, and generally up and down the length of the impossibly broad Queen's Highway.

I can see where your writng style is well suited to - if not entirely shaped by - "puffing the goods" with effusive, Pollyannaish hyperbole. Do your business clients have to meet strict green guidleines to "qualify" for your services? I hear Plant Vogtle is looking for some good PR for their two new nuclear reactors. Interested?

I will grant you one thing: you have found the perfect home in Lillyput-By-The-Sea.

By the way, Great Southern Publishers, Inc. - is that Delta Dawn's business?

Alex Kearns said...

I neither stated nor implied that I have a PhD, you silly little man. (Yet another illogical leap on your part).

"The Conservative Party?" Never heard of it. Tell us more."...and thus I did. Do try to stay on your meds, please.

"By the way, Great Southern Publishers, Inc. - is that Delta Dawn's business?" I assume that you refer to Ms Ryan and the answer is no.

Why these inane questions. Are you completely incapable of reseearch, Jay? I suggest that you finally put your computer to good use and try a little thing called "Google". You're just boring me now...

Jay Moreno said...

My goodness! I guess that old "Hell hath no fury.." saw is really true. My "attacks" have all been on your radical geeen eco-weenie beliefs rather than ad hominem attacks. You ran out of ammuntion rather quickly.

I guess it's a cultural thing: in the U.S., in order to formally be an advisor to a doctoral candidate on his thesis, you have to first have your own PhD in the field.

Frankly, your opinions are not worth the dedication of an entire brain cell, much less a Google search.

I would hate to bore you or kepp you from saving something-or-other, so don't let the cyber door hit you in the ass on your way out.