Saturday, February 20, 2010

Another case of boards and committees gone wild. It was Barbara "Delta Dawn" Ryan who took it upon herself to call Cecily Hill and ask her to shut down the legislative initiative concerning CVB terms of office that had been voted upon, duly approved, and forwarded to her for action. Hill, quite correctly, informed her that she had overstepped her authority. It is way past time that some folks were read the riot act by the mayor. They are established in an advisory capacity. They have no legislative capabilities. They are creatures of the council. They are to act only within the narrow confines of their respective charters. That reminds me, at the last city council meeting I asked Mayor Deloughy if we could get get a report from the Citizens Beautification Board (or whatever) on their plans for "beautification" of St. Marys, particularly as relates the suggestions from the public which they solicited last Fall. He said he would have their chair report at he next meeting, this coming Monday night. As you will see on my next post, they are not on the agenda.


Anonymous said...

Correction. The CVB Authority is an autonomous board that is independent and directs the staff of the Convention and Visitors Bureau. I believe Ms Ryan was asking questions after members of the former board addressed changes to the document made after the authority approved it.

Not surprised you would have an opinion since Hase is dictating what the authority can and can't do. Bottom line Post wants to control this board and he was voted down. There is more to this than term limits . The potential is there for the by laws to be changed and eliminate the representation of the lodging area.

Jay Moreno said...

You need to familiarise yourself with the difference between comittees, boards, and authorities under state law. They have different names for a reason. Only an authority enjoys the autonomy you wrongly attribute to the Convention and Visitors BOARD.

Anonymous said...

Sorry you are wrong. The CVB is an authority. Check the city website.

Jay Moreno said...

I stand corrected. It is an authority. Obviously, I thought the "B" stood for "Board" vice "Bureau."

Anonymous said...

Mayor DeLoughy asked (on Friday) for a report regarding citizen feedback to the CAB and so it will be given. I have no idea why it isn't listed on the agenda.