Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Tonight's public hearing on the proposal to suspend county impact fees and refund all collected so far.

Surprize, surprize! Not a single county commissioner was there tonight. I expected that. However, I was surprised, as was the Planning and Development Board, when John Peterson, the county Directing of Planning and Development was a no show. Less than 20 citizens showed up. I spoke extemporaneously in opposition for maybe 6 or 7 minutes. Feller read his letter-to-the editor on the subject, with NO extemporaneous remarks. Royal Weaver read a rather lengthy article from the Internet then made a few extemporaneous remarks. St. Marys City Councilman John Morrissey spoke, reminding the commissioners that there is a "double taxation" bill pending in Atlanta which, if passed, would restrict the county's ability to tax the city residents, ergo, reducing any revenue stream at this point would be fool hardy indeed. Other speakers were Bob Nutter  (who did not exhibit the obnoxiousness or passive aggressiveness he apparently reserves for Mayor Deloughy only), Walt Natzic, and 2 or 3 others whose names I did not know all spoke out in opposition. Kingsland City Manager, Gwen Mungin was in the audience as well as Woodbine City Councilman, Scott Henning. Neither spoke. The instant that Brent Green, who had moderated the public hearing comments, gaveled the hearing to a close, one of the board members, a Mr. Toshach, instantly made a motion to forward the tape and transcript of all of the public comments on to the CCBOC with no coments (much less a vote or recommendation) by the board. Artie Jones instantly seconded. The vote to kick it back to the CCBOC was swift and unanimous. It was announced that the CCBOC will hold one more public hearing at their meeting of March 16th after which they will IMMEDIATELY VOTE ON THE ISSUE.

If you want to come out against it before that, you may do so during the public comments section of their regular meeting on March 2nd. Keep up the pressure folks. This incedibly audacious gift to builders and assault on our wallets is nowhere near dead yet.


Anonymous said...

Okay Jay explain this to me slowly....

None of the Commissioners showed up to the Planning and Zoning meeting. The Planning and Zoning Board did'nt take a vote for or against the ridiculous recommendation. The non-voting board forwarded the minutes which only entail what was said by the public to the CCBOC.

Based on all of the above NON-ACTION the Commissioners can vote this into law at the March 16th meeting?

Ronnie said...

Good to have found you.
Another perspective besides the Georgia Tribune which we receive two weeks late. I'll be sending your link to my husband.

Jay Moreno said...

Thanks. Glad to have you and your husband as readers.

Jay Moreno said...

Yep, they can and will. The only thing that will stop them is the certain knowledge that we will vote them all (except Berry) out of office if they do. I do not believe that they are as yet convinced of this. That's why we all need to show up and address tehm on the 2nd and 16th of March.

Anonymous said...

If they do as you say and vote this in. Who will pay for the infrastructure for all the houses already provided DRIs and PUDs. This could be in excess of 150,000 houses already approved for the County.

Jay Moreno said...

Guess who.

Anonymous said...

And who will pay for the 41,000 - residential unit Cabin Bluff development infrastructure etc.? Oh right, that would be the taxpayers.

Jay Moreno said...


Anonymous said...

Is this really legal? Can Sears and company really make the existing taxpayers responsible for paying the way for future homeowners?

Jay Moreno said...

Oh, yes! Perfectly legal. It is equally legal for you to step up to the microphone and let them know that, one by one, you will vote them out of office if they do. Remember: Sears and Zell are up for re-election this year. If we can make both of them see the light, the vote will be three to two against repeal.

Anonymous said...

I've already informed my District Commissioner, Mrs. Sears. If she votes this into law I will do everything within my power to make sure she is'nt re-elected!

Jay Moreno said...

Good, but let me ask you this: based upon the entirety of her performance (or lack thereof) as a county commissioner who never saw a conflict of interest she could not blithely ignore, are you saying that had she never come up with this particular hare brained idea, you would have voted for her a second time?

Anonymous said...

I think I would've given her a fair shot at competing for my vote. But if she votes for this I will be walking door to door in neighborhood against her!!!