Saturday, February 13, 2010

An interesting question.

Anon Saint Marys, GA Reply » Report Abuse Judge it! #61 40 min ago Anonymous wrote: You never know. He could be a very good commissioner. At least he keeps up with the issues in the county and attends the meetings and doing all in a wheelchair. So never put someone down until you see what they can accomplish. I disagree with his "attitude problems and mouth" too, but sometimes things can happen to make those problems go away. Spend a day in his life and then make your nasty remarks. I think Jay is not the only one on this board (for the zillionth time, I am not on Topix - Jay) with an attitude and mouth problem. I knew Jay casually and by reputation before he was confined to a wheelchair. His radical views and his tendency to react like a deranged pit bull when disagreed with have not changed. I, for one, would not advocate electing anyone to a responsible office to "see what they can accomplish". Jay has already convinced me that he should not be seriously considered for public office. So tell me this: is it not generally true at any level of office in this county that we routinely elect people to their first term in office to "see what they can accomplish?" Can you name a current or past local elected official of whom that would NOT be true? The voters of District 4 have recently tried a pretty and likable high school graduate only to end up with incompetence and questionable ethics. Why not give an old, fat, bald, ugly, disabled, disagreeable, opinionated, outspoken, honest, highly intelligent, well educated (college grad with 4 GA teacher certifications and working on a second degree), and highly competent candidate a shot? I would submit that I am a superior choice over not only the incumbent but either a paranoiac retread or a zany ghost buster as well.

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