Saturday, June 14, 2008

Big Thug's "I knew nothing!" strategy.

One of the Thuggies tried floating this crap on Topix this morning. You Know Hugh Kingsland, GA Reply » Report Abuse Judge it! #20 16 min ago Bill has my vote, and has not paid me a dime,, as a matter of fact i gave him a dime,, many dimes to get back in there and kick some butt,,,,,,, he did tell me he is going to do a lot of changes when he goes back in,,,, some people are going to be told to retire and Bill is bringing some new blood in to make things right,,,,,,, Let's see. That would be like if Hitler had been captured alive, his standing up at the Nuremberg trials and testifying - in the face of all of his subordinates having testified that they were "just following orders," that he never gave any such orders, and, if they would let him be the Führer just one more time, he could surely turn the Reich around. Or maybe Saddam Hussein saying he had no knowledge of mass graves and thought Uday and Qusay were monastic virgins. Yes, apparently we are asked to believe that Ol' Bill Smith - he who is "better than the rest" and has "a heart as big as all outdoors," was betrayed by what he thought were competent, decent, trustworthy subordinates while he was distracted by his son's medical issues. But have no fear, he will deal with them when he is re-elected (which begs the question, "Why not now?"). Okay. Good luck with that.


Anonymous said...

Apparently 'You know who" don't know a damn thing and if he's willing to hand Bill Smith a dime..that means Bill Smith has handed him plenty of dimes!!

Jay Moreno said...

No doubt!

Anonymous said...

Poor Hugh should have been giving his dimes to the "March of Dimes", not Bill Smith. He is obviously one of those die hard Smith fans who believes what Smith tells him probably "in confidence" so as to make it seem that Hugh is the only one that knows the real truth. Hugh is the kind of person that Smith preys on for votes. For sure if Bill Smith really wanted to change things in his office he would have done it long ago. He is quite comfortable with the "Gofers" he employs and nothing will ever change in that Dept. until we change Sheriff's by voting Smith out of office and electing someone that really wants to change things and make it better for the people paying the bills and the people who will be working there. There needs to be some strict regimen in that office and Bill has proven over the many years he has been there that he is NOT the one to make changes. It suits him just as it is. Sorry Hugh but you have been duped again.