Friday, June 20, 2008

Thuggie bunch to do brunch.

According to the T&G, folks are invited to come ask "our sheriff" any thing that's on their minds at a "brunch" to be held tomorrow at the PSA's Rec Center on Wildcat Drive, from 10:00 to 1:00. I'm sure the questioning will be tough. I wonder if the real men will be eating quiche? A la' Mary Ann, will someone please make note of and report to me the names of all elected officials, past and present, as well as all current candidates who show up at this thing and show support for our lying, criminal sheriff. I think the voters need to know.


Anonymous said...

I would go, but I'm afraid i'd puke in my brunch listening to that idiot. Besides the trusty's probally spit in it when they cook it,and God knows what elese they may use for seasoning.

Anonymous said...

"It's an election year, and my opponents are trying to defame me in any way they can by character assassination...I have to say I can account for every penny spent out of that account and it is available to anyone whose a citizen in the community to pull it and read it," Smith told First Coast News.

There have been at least 4 open records requests since BTW announced the above in his press conference for the account information and not a single page has yet to be released.

Now why do you think that is? Could it be something like the audit for last year that was reported in today's Tribune-Georgian?

No integrity, no character and certainly not deserving of re-election.

Eat up thuggies, the free breakfast, lunch, rib eyes, blue bell ice cream, gas, cars, inmate labor, etc. etc. etc. is fast approaching its end.

Anonymous said...

I suspect the ribeyes have been traded for just good ole southern BBQ. I have actually had Blue's BBQ and in my opinion it's pretty good stuff. You know MR. INTEGRITY really needed a good cook as a trustee and this weeks arrest hooked him up pretty dang good.

Anonymous said...

The brunch crowd didn't seem to get the message. From what I saw no one cared to chow down with our current dunder head dumb a$$ Sheriff. I didn't see any tiki torches. I did see one red faced, white head cheating, lying, immoral, jerk. Upon a closer look it was the "ex-friend of Cisco."

Anonymous said...

Remember Nixon's famous last words..." I am not a crook"

Jay Moreno said...

Yeah, I can see it now: a defeated Big Thug, stripped of his county car, flashing the double V (for vanquished) signs as he boards a Geyhound bound for Charleston.

Anonymous said...

Thank God and Greyhound, he'll be gone

Jay Moreno said...

Yep, that and "Ding dong, the witch is dead!" are two of my favorite celebratory songs when no-goodniks are vanquished at the polls.

Anonymous said...

Yes and if he needs the $40 for that bus ticket I will be happy to donate to the cause. One way of course.

Anonymous said...

How much does it cost to rent that place? It might be a good spot for Tommy's victory party.