Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Oh, brother. This you have to see!

Y'all may recall the following letter-to-the editor from last Wednesday's T&G: Trash pile is an eyesore within city Dear Editor, For the last two or three year Colerain Oaks trailer park has had a huge pile of trash near the road and close to a lot of trees. It is not only an eye sore, but also a fire hazard.Where is the fire marshal? This gives a bad impression to the tourists visiting our city. Clean up your mess! Dale Onspaugh St. Marys Talk about showing one's ass in a major way. Take a ride by Colerain Oaks and check out the owner's response to the letter. If you're not familiar with the location, it's on Colerain, between Kings Bay Rd. and St. Marys Rd. If someone will send me a good digital photo by e-mail (, I'll post it. Jill, you need to get someone over there as well.

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