Sunday, June 15, 2008

Wesley Walker's snout back in Big Thug's trough!

He's back! Yep, as of Friday, Sleazy Talker Walker has the run of the county jail once again. This time, he's working as a bail bondsman for Luke Daniels Bonding. That would be the Luke Daniels who had his bonding license revoked in Florida. Bear in mind that no one but no one can engage in bail bonding in Camden without the express permission of Big Thug Willie Smith. Are you one of the estimated 1,000,000-plus Cisco customers who got screwed when Walker could have - was legally obliged to - had sworn an oath to - put a stop to it? When you go to the polls, remember that BTW says he did no wrong. Now, he's given him the run of the jail again and no doubt has Easterling, et al, birddogging business for him.



Can you guess who it was that provided the start-up security cash for the Daniels' bail bonding operation at the Camden County jail? Yep, it was none other than Big Thug's gambling buddy, protectee, and likely partner-in-crime, felon Fairley Cisco - Walker's father-in-law.


Roxy the school police watch dog said...

Walker must have been the one driving the white ford pick-up with the Bill Smith sticker on the back and Florida tags. He was headed to woodbine going 90plus. Where are the cops when you need them? Nahunta maybe.

Anonymous said...

Doesn't surprise me a bit. Smith is still trying to cover his butt!!

Anonymous said...

I figured that Smith would rehire him if he got relected, but, as we can all see now, Smith will do as he wishes even after telling all at the Republican forum he fired him because of pressure. The lies never end. Whats next? Will he put Cisco on the payroll too and let him take care of the gas pumps?
LOL, its beginning to be a big joke isn't it?

Jay Moreno said...

Oh, poor baby!

This comment from "Black Copters and Rumors."

"Anonymous said...
Can't Walker earn a living without Moreno's vile? Enough is getting to be enough. The man wants harm to anyone connected to Smith. It seems as it is all going to his head. I think he id dangerous.

June 15, 2008 8:29 PM"

Yes, I am dangerous - and to all the right people! So is Rick. So is Gordon. So is Jim Stein. So is Steve Berry. So are all of the DECENT Camdenians heading to the polls on July 15th.

Anonymous said...

Smith has to keep Cisco happy and Walker is in the Cisco camp. That two thousand dollar credit card debt has to be paid. Remember Cisco tesitifed that Smith had his credit card gambling in Atlantic City while Cisco remained in Camden County. When you put your life in the hands of inmates and felons you have to keep them happy. This is just more of the partners in crime bit.

Jay Moreno said...

This from Topiox Kingsland this morning:

"Bo Diddley
Saint Marys, GA Reply »
|Report Abuse |Judge it! |#1 7 min ago
The test of this community is how much longer will we put up with the likes of Smith/Cisco/Walker. There was a time when there were community standards and the likes of this bunch would not have been tolerated. To allow this to continue gives this entire community a black eye. We are better than this. July 15 is going to be a test to determine if our moral compass is broken. This is so wrong and what is troubling is there are good people in this community who know this is wrong and they still support Smith. He has given a safe haven to crooks like Cisco and is in league with them. Surely we are more caring than this. Enough is enough. For once we need to send a message that we want our county rid of these crooks. It is the right thing to do.

Puting Walker back into the mix is the perfect example of the arrogance this bunch feeds on. That is because we have become tolerant of such.
July 15th is the chance to do what needs to be done."

Bravo - well said. Well said, indeed.

Anonymous said...

DOG Walker the Bounty Hunter, it won't be long now until the bounty hunter will be hunted. Keep busting their chops Jay the decent folk in this county apprecate you and Rick and all the good work you have done, we will win this war for sure. did you hear me Black Copters aka Little David mills? You'd better get your resume updated, Wally world may let you clean the rest rooms.

Jay Moreno said...

"Dog Walker." I love it.