Thursday, June 26, 2008

Big Thug's lie du jour.

Well, it now turns out that Bill Smith was actually in Camden County the whole time that L.W. Bruce was looking for him. I have reconfirmed that both Easterling and Smith's secretary lied to Bruce on Smith's instructions. Moreover, Smith is today telling all who will listen that not only was he here, but had "no idea that anyone was looking for (him)." Apparently, it's true: If his lips are moving, he's lying.


Anonymous said...

Hell Jay that piece of cow dung is lieing even if his lips aren't moving.

Anonymous said...

When are you guys going to get the picture. Here is the pattern. Smith tells the lies and they stand unless some one proves other wise. Then he contends it is mudslinging or some political opponent. Just because it is some opponent does not mean it is not so. He is a liar and it doesn't matter to a great deal of the folks here. He is their liar. It jsut a sign of the times. Integrity does not amount to that much any more. It is just what can he do for me. Well we know he can certainly give likes of Cisco a free run, Walker, Dirkes, etc.

Anonymous said...

Well, it's possible that Smith lied to Easterling and told him he was headed to Charleston. So that when L. W. Bruce went to the SO to serve Smith, Easterling told him what he thought was true.

As Smith is a compulsive liar and likely the biggest liar in the State of Georgia, this could be true.

Anonymous said...

How long has L.W. Bruce been coroner? How long has he lived in Camden County? Doesn't he know where Bill Smith lives? He took the word of BTW's thuggies as to the sheriff's whereabouts?

Anonymous said...

Looks like ol' L.W. got sent on a snipe hunt. Accidentally on purpose?