Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Liar a la' cart.

This comment came in today on my post about the wrecked cart caper (scroll down and click on "older posts.") Just wanted to be sure y'all did not miss it. "Anonymous said... Well the truth usually follows after the smoke screen when the sheriff is involved. The golf cart was being picked up so that BTW could use it while riding in the subdivisions campaigning. This was not to be told though. You have to admit that using the cart at a rodeo is much better PR jargon than using the cart for campaigning. And get this, BTW went to Mariners Landing this morning and was standing at the entrance waving to the public as they were leaving for work. Tell me that he is not worried! Tommy did this a week ago. Never thought I would see this from BTW. Wonder if he will use a golf cart now since the "real story" is out? I bet he will not be caught in a cart now. June 11, 2008 8:08 AM" I'm surprised that St. Willie can't just float through the neigborhood on a small cloud. If you're wondering if dispatching county deputies in your employ in a county owned vehicle, towing a county owned trailer, burning county gas, to fetch a golf cart for use in your personal re-election campaign is a violation of state campaign ehtics laws, well of course it is - but he's Big Thug Willie. Wiping his sorry ass on state laws is a twenty year way of life for Big Thug. Don't worry, though. I'm sure the BTW campaign manager will be signing a check any day now to re-imbuse the county for the pre-wreck expenses and the post wreck damages. With any luck, maybe Big Thug will depart for Charleston on July 16th, never to be seen or heard of again. I don't know that we can afford the fool and his cadre of clowns through January. Update at 0848HRS: Just came across this on Topix Kingsland "Jimmy the Geek Kingsland, GA Reply » Report Abuse Judge it! #7 31 min ago Truth about cart incident is finally brought to light. A deputy on the inside has asked not to be identified for fear of losing his job, but was told by Charlie the real story. Seems that Bill was wanting to use Kevin's cart to do some campainging in the subdivisions and neighborhoods around the county. Charlie did okay the trip to get the cart, but it was not for a rodeo. It was for Bill to use while campaigning. And Bill is at Mariners Landing as I write waving to the people as they drive past. I wonder if he will use a cart now since the truth is out. If the BTW supporters think that it is okay for the deputies to do as they please and cheat, lie, and steal, for the sheriff, then why not tell the people and the newspapers the TRUTH? The truth always comes later with the sheriff's office. Not from Bill, but from some of the good people that do work there. " We all thank you, Deputy, whoever you are.


Anonymous said...

That SOB should be relieved of all his duties,by the governer, and the Governer should appoint an interemn Sheriff to finish his term. His investagation should quit being milked by the feds, I'm damn sure hes got to somebody on the inside as he has done in the past and called in one of his markers so he can not be indicted on anything, I hope I'm wrong, but he has pulled it off many times before, so everyone get out and vote his sorry ass out in july.

Anonymous said...

Well, Well, Well. I have NEVER seen or heard of Bill Smith on foot campaigning in this county. It appears that he is truly running scared this election. In the past all of his campaigning has been done at his desk writing checks out of the "Shared Assets Account". Could it be because the Shared Assets(drug money) supposedly is out of funds or that his past devoted campaign people have lost interest? I guess "ONLY THE SHADOW KNOWS" !!!!!!!!

Jay Moreno said...

if anyone can obtain a digital photo of Big Thug Willie actually out on the street campaigning for the office trather than assuming it to be his birthright, please send a copy to me so that I might prove that it happened - once - during his long and sorry tenure.


Please send photos of any known sheriff's employees openly campaigning, as well.

Jay Moreno said...

Have y'all noticed how quiet Rotor Rooter and Support Our Sheriff have been lately? But then, "Ol' Bill Smith" just keeps on churning out more and more to be quiet about.

Jay Moreno said...

Please say it ain't so. Someone on Topix has intimated that BTW planned to prop up Blake in the golf cart like El Cid and parade him through the neighborhoods.

Anonymous said...

You can bet your last dollar that Blake will be paraded in and after the July 4th parade by BTW. This is a darn shame. But BTW would do the same thing if it was his mama.
No morals, only out for himself.

Anonymous said...

Knowing his Mama, she would approve wholeheartedly. Have seen her get in line at the Woodbine polling place, hand out Bill's cards until she got to the door then get out and go to the back of the line and start all over again. Of course this was totally illegal but that was OK, no one would have complained, for sure.