Thursday, May 1, 2008

BTW's latest hot potatoes.

My main mole just informed me that not one, but two big time local politicos - one from the Camden Democrat Party leadership and one from the Camden Republican party leadership were jailed last night on D.U.I. charges. This is at least the 2nd time for the Republican since I've lived here. And you thought Sleazy was handled with kid gloves. Word is that both will be released today on "ROR" (released on their own recognizance) , i.e., no bail. BTW obviously does not want to piss off these two pissed alligators until he's crossed the July primary swamp. Should be interesting to see if these two even show up on the police blotters in the T&G (i.e, if they are even in the data given to the T&G).


Anonymous said...

ARe we talking about the Chiropractor??? Can't remember his last name. But is that Jim???

Jay Moreno said...

I can neither confirm nor deny that the two DUIs were a chiropractor and a hotelier, respectively, until I see the police report in the paper. My informant has been utterly reliable so far, but I have to be always on the alert for a BTW / Thuggie setup.

Watch the police blotter in upcoming T7G.