Monday, May 12, 2008

NPR update

I just heard from one of the individuals who was interviewed by the NPR team when they were in town last week. It turns out that their interest in Smith stems from his being a prime exemplar of the kind of abuses they are going to expose in a multi-state story examining money laundering, the asset forfeiture program, and asset forfeiture fund abuses. The reporter in charge, Marisa Penaloza, said that she regrettted that they could not do an entire show on Smith alone, as there was vertainly enough there. She also expressed her incredulity that sheriffs such as Smith actually still existed anywhere in the U.S. NPR hopes to have the program on the air sometime in mid- June. I'll let y'all know the program, date, and time as soon as it is finalized.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for keeping us posted. BTW will now be making Camden the joke of the nation instead of just N. Florida and Georgia.

Some of this would have a direct bearing on businesses locating in Camden. I can just see the look on the face of our poor JDA representative trying to explain to a business considering coming here when asked "Hey, what's the story on this Sheriff Smith?"