Friday, May 9, 2008

Does residential growth alone bring right mix of jobs to Camden?

T&G copy editor Emily Goodson asks this question in a good piece on the op-ed page of today's T&G. No link available - you'll have to spend 50 cents. Clearly, the answer is no. She makes some excellent points about how attractive we should be, especially to businesses who have a need for ready access to an international airport, two international seaports, a major rail hub and a major city, all in an attractive, relatively crimeless county. Apparently, the JDA is either unaware of those same assets or just really does not give a damn, as they well realize that the good ol' boy Brahmins really DO NOT WANT such busineses to come here and raise the competition for labor. If I were running for the county commission as a challenger, I would damned surely be talking about some personnel changes and major course corrections at the JDA. P.S., There is only one day left to vote in the polls on the right margin. I note that as of now, the only incumbent not in deep trouble is Steve Berry, who appears to be headed for re-election. That sounds right to me.

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