Saturday, May 17, 2008

"Our sheriff," "Ol' Bill Smith," attempts to feed slop to both hogs AND voters.

Y'all are gonna love this - especially you former Cisco customers. BTW 's letter-to -the -editor in today's GTU: "CISCO GAS STATIONS FULL STORY UNKNOWN I am writing to object to the April 18th column written by Mark Woods. It seems that Woods decided it is time to play judge and jury and to have a little laugh at the expense of the 'good ol' boys' in Georgia. I am used to being treated with disdain by the media; it comes with the job. But jumping to conclusions and attacking Capt. Wesley Walker is going too far. Yes, he was on paid administrative leave and, yes, he is married to the daughter of Fairly Cisco. But, he was not the focus of the investigation into recent events at the Cisco gas stations. I have no idea whether he is being investigated and, if so, by whom, or what for. As far as I know, Walker has not done anything illegal. I put him on administrative leave simply because of an unverified story in the Times-Union. He is a valuable employee of the Sheriff's Department, and I intend to have him return to work. Woods is asking me to join him in this hypocrisy by making snap decisions without knowing the full story. It's easy to sit back and take cheap shots and pretend to have the moral high ground. It's far harder to be patient, to wait until the investigation runs its course and to reserve judgment until all the facts are known. But that's what I plan to do. William E. Smith Sheriff, Camden County, Ga." You know, I was just about to parse this load of crap mercilessly when it dawned on me: BTW damned surely knows that I have his number - and have had for years. What is more important is that the amoral, sociopathic, megalomaniac hear it from the lips of the voters why this letter is a transparently bogus bunch of self-serving, obfuscating, crap, line by line. So, parse away, folks.


Anonymous said...

Well it is now a matter of public record for all to see. Smith is the village idiot. Talk about desperate. He is peeing on a forest fire and thinks he has a hose. To say that a deputy testifying under oath, in a court room, with a court reporter and judge is unverified is evidence of Smith crashing and burning in his own fire. Proving himself over and over to be a dumb ass seems to be his daily routine. It is going to be so easy to kick his ass to the curb.

Jay Moreno said...

Yes,"It is going to be so easy to kick his ass to the curb," but only IF all decent, non-Thuggie voters STAY FIRED UP enough to actually VOTE on July 15th.

Anonymous said...

He is obviously a compulsive, sociopathic liar. Without any question, the biggest liar in the history of Camden County.

The hog farmer is gone.

Anonymous said...

He either did nothing when crimes were reported to him or lied under oath. For either one, his sorry butt should have been fired !

Jay Moreno said...

actually, he (Walker) did nothing when crimes were reported to him, then told the truth under oath, but only after being granted use immunity to do so.

What I'm concerned about is what Smith was subsequently obligated to do and has not.

Hint: P.O.S.T.