Monday, May 5, 2008

Federal Grand Jury investigation of Big Thug Willie continues.

A reliable source has confirmed this afternoon that the Federal Grand Jury in Savannah is still very much in session and continuing to actively investigate BTW's activities. They are still actively calling witnesses via their subpoena power. Numerous locals have been called and more are expected. GBI agents on the case have been called back to testify multiple times. Encouraging as this is, let's take no chances. If you are not already registered to vote him out on July 15th, what in the world are you waiting for? Don't forget, even if you plan to vote for Rich Gamble in November, you can still help drive a stake through BTW's evil heart on July 15th. Be there!


Anonymous said...

Amen Brother Willie's gotta go

Anonymous said...

You are so right Jay about people getting out and voting the Sheriff out of office. One of the problems in this County is the people who will not register to vote because they don't want to serve on a jury !!!! Yet, they will complain about the elected officials. I may be wrong but I do not think that they pull the jurors strictly from the voters list anymore. Do you know if that is true? I have been a registered voter for 27 years and have only been called for jury duty twice in those 27 years. I know that our justice system stinks, but that could be one of the problems, noone wants to serve on the jury. If they feel that way they should not complain about anything that goes on in the justice system or the government, local, state or national. Its insane!!!! We have the right to vote our choices and these people don't vote because they are afraid of being called for jury duty. If you know for sure how they pull the jurors, please post it on your blog so that these people will know for sure, if they do pull from the voting list, Oh well.

Jay Moreno said...

The jury pool still consists of all registered voters.

Now that I am in a wheelchair, I have not been called since I got a summons while I was in the hospital. I wrote a letter to the clerk of court explaining my situation. I haven't been callled since.

However, during the 11 or so years prior to that, I belive that my name came up 4 times. Three times, when I called the number they give you to call on Sunday night, noen of the jurors called were needed. The one time I did have to go in, I was dimssed during voir dire.

In short, avoiding jury duty is hardly a valid reason for not voting. Your chances of being called are slim: your chances of being picked to serve on a jury if you are called are also rather slim. Moreover, if you're a surgeon, policeman, fireman, etc., there are exemptions available.

By the way, if the new court room jury boxes are wheelchair accessible, I'm available now.